A Principal Engineer was created to give tips and advice to those seeking to grow as Software Engineers. As I look back on my career and reflect on how I have suceeded (and failed!) I decided it's time to share that with anybody who is interested. The blog is full of opinions and experiences very much colored by my life, but it's all stuff I wish I could've told myself starting out.

Opinion Warning!

This blog covers a host of topics that are difficult to objectively measure. You'll find it very opinion heavy, but those opinions are formed from lots of experience.

Employee Oriented.

There are plenty of blogs catered to businesses. What you'll find here is for employees. If you want to become a senior technical leader then this is the place for you!


You'll find lots of engineering content. This all comes from personal experience on large and small teams across multiple companies.


We love Apple development and the Swift programming language! Expect to see full-stack style swift posts, this isn't just about iOS, this is about an entire ecosystem of which iOS is one part.

My latest posts and rants.

A new blog site!

9 Dec 2024 / engineering / swift / vapor

I've migrated the old website to a brand new one! It's still written in Swift, but this time it's not static site generation. I've taken it much farther! Expect a series of blog posts about creating the new website.

Using the Vision Pro with an Irregular Anatomy

3 Feb 2024 / vision-pro / apple

Apple's new Vision Pro is a very cool piece of tech, but how does it work for people who don't have a typical anatomy?

A Great REST Networking Layer

30 Oct 2022 / engineering / testing / swift

I walk through my favorite REST networking layer, and why I prefer it.

I care about Intellectual Property and so should you!

22 Jul 2022 / engineering

Learn about intellectual property and how it relates to day-to-day software development.

Automated Testing: Proximity to Production Code

22 Jul 2022 / engineering / testing

Tests that are closer to production code are easier to execute. Let's dive into details about how to keep your tests close to your production code.